Bon dia!
Recentment hem rebut aquest correu de part de la Federació de Comunitats Energètiques Europees, RESCoop, com podreu comprovar, demanen completar una enquesta per a construïr una base de dades paneuropea (més de 27 paisos) amb l’objectiu de crear sinèrgies entre les diferents iniciatives.
Podeu trobar l’enquesta en castellà en aquest enllaç. Us fem arribar també el correu que hem rebut:
Dear community energy amplifiers,
We are reaching out to remind you that the ESPON TANDEM survey has now been launched! Quick refresher: The TANDEM project aims to build the most comprehensive, pan-European (27 + EFTA countries - Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) database of energy communities to date. The goal is to synergize with existing surveying initiatives (at national and EU level).
As previously discussed we would strongly appreciate your help, as community energy amplifiers, to distribute it within your networks We have prepared a Comms Pack to make your life easier, which includes various translations in national languages.
Quick notes:
We understand the survey fatigue, but we really hope to maximize participation. The results will form the concrete basis of data-driven policy recommendations for the Commission (DG ENER/REGIO) and Member States over the next years.
We have a dedicated budget to translate the survey in additional national languages if needed
We are happy to share back with you specific national data upon request (e.g., if a German organisation distributes the survey to German communities, we can share these results with them for them to use for their own purposes)
Thank you for your contributions!
Chris Vrettos
Project Manager vzw |
European federation of citizen energy cooperatives